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​Quantum Hand Analysis

By Richard Unger

Reprinted from the Hand Analysis Newsletter Vol. 5 Issue 2

It has long been the scientific contention that God is an unnecessary invention of man, the adolescent fantasy of a humankind not yet mature enough to grasp the existential facts of life. From Darwin to the Big Bang, with each new advance in science, God has become less and less necessary to explain things. There is "no ghost in the machine" asserts science. Quantum randomness rules the universe.

But something tells me otherwise. I understand the exponential power of random mutations multiplied over vast expanses of time. I do not dispute the accuracy of quantum physics and its ability to predict the exact rate of radioactive decay. Yet, in my bones I feel that there is more than just a random universe doing its meaningless thing. Is this just wishful thinking?

Einstein said "God does not play dice with the universe." Most scientists disagree. I side with Albert. I believe that there is a purpose behind the seemingly random events in the universe and in our lives, that fingerprints reveal this etheric level of reality, and that by studying the fingerprint code we can gain a clue to our reason for being. Indulge me some scientific discussion and one startling possibility may bowl you over as it did me just prior to Xmas, 1979.


At approximately the same time that Darwin was putting together his theory of evolution, Young was investigating the nature of light. His now famous Dual Slit Experiment is the essence of simplicity. Let's imagine a light bulb in front of a piece of cardboard containing two slits (A). Behind this piece of cardboard sits another piece of cardboard (B). This one has no slits.

Turn on the light bulb with either slit left open, and, as expected, light will show up on the second piece of cardboard in a cluster pattern right behind the open slit.

However, if both slits are left open, an interference pattern appears on the second cardboard: strips of light and dark, light and dark. This is exactly what would happen with water or some other liquid medium. The waves would go through the first cardboard's slits, then interfere with each other before they reached the second cardboard.


Apparently light behaves like a wave sometimes and like a set of minute particles at other times. Somewhat confusing, but the truly baffling didn't hit the fan until a half century later. Scientists, ever the curious lot, eventually substituted an electron emitting device for the light bulb and an electron detector for the second piece of cardboard. Young's experiment was repeated with the same results: cluster pattern with one slit open, wave pattern with both slits open. Electrons and light behave the same way. Interesting enough.

But you can do something with electrons that Young could not do with light: you can slow the emission to one electron at a time.

With both slits open, electrons were sent at the first barrier, accumulating one at a time on the electron detector. Since there was nothing for each individual electron to interfere with, the cluster pattern was expected. But this is not what happened. Instead, as the electrons slowly accumulated on the detection device, the interference pattern was observed. A wave action had occurred. Scientists scrambled to figure out what was going on.


The apparatus was rearranged. An electron detector was placed in front of the slits to see if individual electrons were somehow cutting themselves up and going through both slits at once. Surprise. When the experiment was set up this way, the interference pattern disappeared and the cluster pattern reappeared. The electrons were now behaving like particles. How can electrons know which way to behave? Apparently, they behave according to the way they are measured.

Until observed, an electron (or any other sub-atomic particle) exists as a wave-something-or-other. The act of watching an electron turns it into a particle. This is called "the collapse of the wave function." But no one has been able to catch the actual collapse happening. How long does it take for the electron to change stripes? And what counts as watching? Would it count if a cat watched the electron?


Schroedinger exploited this paradox with his Schroedinger's Cat Thought Experiment. Put a cat in a box with a radioactive particle that has exactly a fifty percent chance of decay in a specified time. If the particle decays, a detection device emits a poison that kills the cat. If there is no decay, the cat is fine. Remember, this is only a thought experiment. No animals were harmed in the thinking of this experiment.

The specified time is given its chance to elapse. OK. Now the question is: is the cat alive or dead before we look into the box? The collapse of the wave function has not occurred as yet. No one has peeked. Since there is a fifty-fifty chance the particle has decayed, quantum theory says that the cat exists in both states simultaneously until someone looks. But the cat surely knows if it is alive or dead. Does a cat have the power to collapse the wave function?

Wheeler ("The Many Worlds Hypothesis") had perhaps the most clever answer to the mystery. Every time a measurement is made, he said, the universe spits in two. In one universe the cat is alive, in the other clone universe, perfectly alike except for this one detail, the cat is dead. This solves the watching problem. Watching no longer has the power to kill a cat. Of course, watching now has the power to double the number of universes that exist. Infinitely often.

Most scientists simply leave the paradox alone. The numbers work, watches and computers run fine. Leave the paradox for philosophers.


Being philosophic, I'd like a shot at it, using fingerprints as my clue. The key fact here is that the lines that make up fingerprint patterns are the same as those that make up sand dunes. Sand dunes aren't smooth. They have a ridged surface. And the details of sand dune ridges exactly match fingerprint ridges. The same for rippled sand revealed at the beach at low tide. In both cases wave energy leaves its imprint in a denser medium. You can tell the nature of the wave energy by the imprint it leaves behind.

Is it possible that fingerprints match wave energy imprint patterns because they are a wave energy imprint? Could this wave-energy-something-or-other be a representation of our soul level self, a vibrational energy too fine for the current state of our machines to measure?

I think this is exactly the case. Five months before we are born a wave energy imprint appeared on our physical bodies. Like an acorn containing within it a coded picture of the oak tree it may someday become, this imprint carries a picture of our highest potential, our Life Purpose. Perhaps our consciousness, moving from the soul level into three dimensional form, collapses our "wave function," our fingerprints being the remnants of this change of state.

The Navaho Indians have a saying regarding fingerprints. They say, "The Great Spirit breathes in the breath of life, and the tracks of that breath become our fingerprints." How elegant. Maybe Einstein was a Navaho in his former lifetime.